<< List of all previous releases
Release 9.4 - Key Features
Signup / Payment / Attendance New Features
For a particular event you can optionally allow youth to sign up guests (e.g., parents / friends).
Leaders and Guests can have event fees that can differ from that of the youth.
Added signup instructions so you can pass on important information / requirements to those signing up.
You can optionally remove “Maybe” as a signup option if you just want firm yes/no commitment from the youth.
Youth can add comments when signing up.
You can print out a paper “Sign Up List” for circulating around the horseshoe or pinning up on the door to your meeting room for parents to annotate.
You can designate certain leaders as “non-participating”. E.g., your Group Treasure may need a login to your account, but you don't want her always cluttering up the signup and attendance lists.
You can now update the signup/attendance/payment without having to actually edit the event.
“Troop Reports” | “Payments” report now shows subtotals on rows and columns.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
Overriding attendance to be zero days should be treated like the checkbox was unchecked
Post-mortem notes now hidden until after the event is passed
When a youth's “allow youth to be contacted” is unchecked, the email Quick Pick should say “contact not permitted” rather than “no contact information”
Hid login's “signature” field, as its use was violating Facebook policy
Bug Fixes (including implemented patches)
Event email “Quick Pick” was adding multiple alert icons for each undeliverable mail
Implicit (auto-created) events couldn't be removed from queued updates list
(Patch) FB: fb-beta override was preventing SECTION_FILES from being read
(Patch) FB: “also post” checkbox was visible for “Ask a Question” emails
(Patch) Email: “To” recipients was visible for “Ask a Question” emails
(Patch) Couldn't save changes to youth who had subsequently deleted logins
(Patch) “Save” button was showing up in troop details of personal accounts