For a particular event you can optionally allow youth to sign up guests (e.g., parents / friends).
Leaders and Guests can have event fees that can differ from that of the youth.
Added signup instructions so you can pass on important information / requirements to those signing up.
You can optionally remove “Maybe” as a signup option if you just want firm yes/no commitment from the youth.
Youth can add comments when signing up.
You can print out a paper “Sign Up List” for circulating around the horseshoe or pinning up on the door to your meeting room for parents to annotate.
You can designate certain leaders as “non-participating”. E.g., your Group Treasure may need a login to your account, but you don't want her always cluttering up the signup and attendance lists.
You can now update the signup/attendance/payment without having to actually edit the event.
“Troop Reports” | “Payments” report now shows subtotals on rows and columns.