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Release 19.3 - Key Features

Event Financials and Reconciliation

It is always challenging for a section to know how well they've been managing their finances (which are driven largely by their events). So, ScoutsTracker now gives an event-by-event, and year-by-year overview of event financials.

Viewing an event's wallet now not only shows the transactions in/out of the wallet, but additionally clarifies the financials via three more detail reports

The detail reports then get rolled up into a “Reconciliation” report, that lets one see the *expected* numbers (i.e., the assessed fees - accrued expenses) vs the *actual* numbers (e.g., fees received, reimbursed expenses). Ideally the expected numbers should equal the actual money handled, but if they don't, then tips are provided recommending how to make them balance. Finally if the event's profit was eventually absorbed into the Troop's wallet, or if the Troop had to cover a member's bad debt, then those adjustments are used to affect the event's final wallet balance.

Going to “Account” | “Wallets” | “Event wallets” now shows for each event in a year the event's expected vs actual numbers and the wallet balance.

Additionally, “Account” | “Wallets” | “Event wallets” now includes an “All Events” rollup, so that one can find out the expected and actual numbers added up across all the events in a specific year. Drilling down on “All Events” will show a reconciliation report that provides an year's overview of information such as the total expenses recorded for food, for accommodation, etc. plus the overall profit/loss.

Other Wallet Enhancements

Wallet Bug Fixes

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-10-24)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-11-01)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-11-08)

Quality of Life Enhancements

COMMITTEE: OAS skills for commissioners accounts so events can be created with OAS Related Reqs, and then pushed.

Have a way to “convert” a Parent Helper to a Scouter. It actually just creates a new Scouter Record and inactivates their Other Participant record.

Added an “automatically use standard styles for each section level” option.

Make toggleRelevantOutingsOnly and toggleShowBirthdays (and others) username-based preferences (rather than account or session properties), so that you'll see the same preferences regardless of which account you've connected to.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-11-15)

Quality of Life Enhancements

LOGIN: “Please pick the login” can be implemented in a white-page with setNoNavigate, rather than as a modal message box that needs to be dismissed, thus saving one click.

Automatically refetch roster when changes made to affected Member/Login/Person records in other accounts. This means that you don't need to reload the page after one of the other scouters does an “Import from MyScouts”, or changes your login permissions, etc.

PAYMENT: Optionally allow partial payments from wallets (e.g., to drain “Scout Bucks” that the youth have accumulated, or apply a refund from a previous cancelled event.)

CALENDAR: Add a “You Owe:” to each event on calendar (if payment is owing). For parent logins, it is the roll up of the amounts owing of all the members that your login can see

Miscellanous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-11-22)

Inventory Enhancements

Attachment Enhancements

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-11-29)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-12-06)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2025-01-17)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2025-01-29)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2025-02-07)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-02-14)

Miscellaneous Enhancements