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release_19.0 [2023/11/29 20:51]
release_19.0 [2024/05/13 18:23] (current)
admin [Display Format]
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 ==== Display Format ==== ==== Display Format ====
 The training is presented in two formats: The training is presented in two formats:
-* A list.  By default, the list shows the "recommended" skills that the user might want to tackle next.  It consists of all the follow-on skills to the skills they've already completed (i.e., the logical next steps).  However, if can be changed to show all skills, rather than just the recommended ones. +  * A list.  By default, the list shows the "recommended" skills that the user might want to tackle next.  It consists of all the follow-on skills to the skills they've already completed (i.e., the logical next steps).  However, if can be changed to show all skills, rather than just the recommended ones. 
-* A tree.  This shows all the skills that the user can earn, displayed in a radial tree. Hovering the mouse over any node in the tree will show a tooltip with the basic competency, and clicking on the node will actually drilled down to the detailed view of the skill.   The tree is best suited to desktops/laptops that have a big screen and a mouse.+  * A tree.  This shows all the skills that the user can earn, displayed in a radial tree. Hovering the mouse over any node in the tree will show a tooltip with the basic competency, and clicking on the node will actually drilled down to the detailed view of the skill.   The tree is best suited to desktops/laptops that have a big screen and a mouse.
 ==== Rewards ==== ==== Rewards ====
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-===== Patch (2023-11-19) =====+===== Patch (2023-11-29) =====
 ==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ==== ==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
   * Improved change detection when editing away from a partially-editing AAF   * Improved change detection when editing away from a partially-editing AAF
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   * Going to Signup/Attendance/QuickPick "Filter By" shows blank groupings if there are no Patrols or Adventure Teams   * Going to Signup/Attendance/QuickPick "Filter By" shows blank groupings if there are no Patrols or Adventure Teams
 +===== Patch (2023-12-08) =====
 +==== ScoutsTracker "Bucket List" model of OAS ====
 +The ScoutsTracker "Bucket List" is an alternative way you can view and tackle the Outdoor Adventure Skills.
 +Rather than bundling requirements into rigid pre-defined Stages, this Continuous Learning approach allows you to focus on and build up expertise in specific areas, as befits your needs and your interests. In other words, it lets you chart your own path through the "bucket list" of OAS competencies you'll want to complete before leaving Scouting!
 +While the badge requirements shown below are all chained together into sequences, that's mostly just a way to suggest logical next steps for you to consider. There's actually nothing to stop you from tackling any skill at any time, although you'll typically find that you'll end up working your way out from the centre.
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * SS-5578: Add "signup yes and unpaid" to Add Recipients
 +  * SS-5523: If an event is Personal, and it’s in a previous Scouting year, and there are no attendees, then put up a message saying that you need to add at least one attendee, rather than saving
 +  * Add prompt when cancelling a subscription to a multi-section event that is hosted by your account... e.g., "do you want to cancel for all sections, or just your own?"
 +  * COMMITTEE: Can now "Add Recipients" by signup status (as could Section accounts)
 +  * SS-5760: Parents/Youth can now edit their own login names
 +  * SS-5760: Logins that accessed absolutely *no* progression records in that section's badges (or OAS) could repeatedly see a sync progress bar if there was non-OAS progress (e.g., PAB) in another section
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * "Report" | "Attendance" | "In Bulk" allows you to sign youth up for scouter-only events, or anyone to cancelled events, or if they're inelegible, etc.
 +  * Editing a cancelled event uncancels it
 +  * MULTIACCOUNT: Enabling "multi-section" when initially creating an event was not doing the push to the selected sections
 +  * MULTIACCOUNT: Deleting a master event and the Group subscriber leaves the Troop events, but they still say that they are subscribed to the Group event (which no longer exists)
 +  * Picking PAB as Related Requirement shows really wonky column alignment for the requirements
 +  * SS-5761: Clicking next/prev while picking related requirements incorrectly changes some wrong headers
 +  * SS-5766: Gallery headers for Other Participants are wrong
 +  * TRAINING: SS-5764: Tweaked wording of topic rtuqm801
release_19.0.1701291103.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/29 20:51 by admin