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release_18.3 [2023/05/03 14:39]
admin [Unconfirmed (i.e., Tentative) Events]
release_18.3 [2023/08/28 18:05] (current)
admin [Deprecating Areas]
Line 179: Line 179:
   * Prototype getStartOfDayTimestamp wasn't implemented correctly   * Prototype getStartOfDayTimestamp wasn't implemented correctly
   * NEWSFEED: Posts not showing when you launch in offline mode   * NEWSFEED: Posts not showing when you launch in offline mode
-  * NEWSFEED: SS-5527: Event-based posts from the a Committee account were not showing the event overview +  * NEWSFEED: SS-5527: Event-based posts from a Committee account were not showing their event overview 
-  * Wired off test for program costs if program costs not supported+  * Wired off test for program costs when saving events, if program costs not supported
   * EMBEDDED: SS-5288: Calendar is blank   * EMBEDDED: SS-5288: Calendar is blank
   * SS-5293: "Final requirements" logic wasn't working in the Ready-to-Demonstrate report   * SS-5293: "Final requirements" logic wasn't working in the Ready-to-Demonstrate report
Line 190: Line 190:
   * SS-5277: End date of event-based posts aren't correct if the underlying event is rescheduled   * SS-5277: End date of event-based posts aren't correct if the underlying event is rescheduled
   * EMAIL: SS-5265: Better handling of situations when event's payment list is missing   * EMAIL: SS-5265: Better handling of situations when event's payment list is missing
 +===== Patch (2023-05-11) =====
 +==== Non Participants / Default Event Eligibility ====
 +  * Scouter option "Participates in events" has been replaced by "Default event eligibility", which is now also an option for Youth and Other Participants
 +  * Signup option "Show other participants", has been replaced by collapsable dividers
 +==== Miscellaneous Updates ====
 +  * Support the new "Scout Trek" Seasonal Challenge
 +  * Updated references to "Queen's Venturer" to use "King's Venturer"
 +  * SS-5307: "Sign Me Up!" button has been replaced by "RSVP"
 +  * SS-5309: Improved default wording of welcome messages
 +  * When viewing an event, the entire signup/attendance section should be hidden for "unconfirmed" events
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * SS-5311: Exception when deleting a multi-account event that has no subscribers
 +  * SS-5309: Welcome message said "Hello unknown" if you created a new login for an existing youth
 +  * SS-5310: VEvent can contain (some) HTML named character entities
 +  * SS-5313: Extent of multi-day events wasn't being shown on calendar (since last patch)
 +  * SS-5312: Merging members who were signed up for multi-section events were resulting in the rollups in the Committee account being slightly too high
 +  * Check for members signed up in multiple sections for multi-section events wasn't considering that they could be deleted
 +===== Patch (2023-05-25) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * RSVP: SS-5304: Better handling of RSVP's sent to two-deep scouters who aren't eligible to attend
 +  * SS-5332: Minor tweaks to date formatting in emails
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * SS-5329: CSS broken when printing Emergency List
 +  * SS-5334: Hard-to-select label count drop down when doing per-member attendance overrides
 +  * SS-5339: Scouters not included in the Attendance report
 +  * History reports were claiming that manually awarded Transactions/Tallies were associated with an event
 +  * SS-5338: Signup notes not being cleared between signups
 +  * SS-5327: Member consent forms not correctly updated with new member ID during merge
 +  * AAF: SS-5327: Link to member consent form for deleted (e.g., merged) member goes to invalid URL
 +  * AAF: SS-5327: Back-migrated deleted (e.g., merged) members in old consent forms and AAF's
 +  * AAF: SS-5327: AAF doesn't list SC Member # for deleted (e.g., merged) members
 +===== Patch (2023-06-19) =====
 +==== Non-Scouting Events ====
 +You've always been able to record youth's personal non-Scouting activities (e.g., family camping trip, individual community service) by adding an event to the section calendar, and changing the event's visibility to "Personal" But Personal events are also sometimes Scouting activities, e.g., helping out with younger sections' events will automatically create a corresponding personal event in the youth leader's home section.
 +The challenge was for non-Scouting events like a family camping trip, those personal events were still unnecessarily triggering warnings in ScoutsTracker about incomplete Risk Management (e.g., no Scouter-in-Charge, no AAF, insufficient first aiders, etc.).
 +To eliminate these false warnings, there is now an explicit "This is a Scouting event" toggle (defaults to YES) that can optionally be switched to NO for Personal events.  This will suppress all Risk Management settings.   Note this only applies to Personal event.  If an an event has "Everyone" or "Scouter-only" visibility, then it is always implicitly a Scouting event, and R
 +isk Management applies.
 +As part of this implementation, the text surrounding "Personal" event visibility has been improved.
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Remember the user's previous choice of "Show event description" when printing signup/attendance sheets
 +  * When "Schedule" | "Options" | "Show personal events" is NO, then I shouldn't insert AAF Submission reminders
 +  * SS-5357: Now a method of showing/hiding payment columns when generating signup/attendance printouts
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * Minor typo in Quick Fix message box
 +  * SS-5348: Having a higher level custom qual (e.g., SFA Instructor) wasn't being recognized if it only granted the lowest equivalent (e.g., "SFA")
 +  * SS-5352: It was possible to have EmailBlacklist unsubscribes without corresponding UsernameOptIn records
 +  * SS-5368: Logic and usability errors associated with "Events Needing Attention" (now "Events of Interest")
 +  * SS-5222: Changes to fees weren't being reflected in the per-member overrides until you'd left the previous page
 +  * SS-5382: Incorrect parsing of the link to verify an account-wide Reply-To address
 +===== Patch (2023-07-04) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Annual report, Attendance and Payment reports now include inactive members who were active during the selected year
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * SS-5384: Other Participants with invalid role ID's were being excluded from signup lists
 +  * SS-5381: Inactive Other Participants were being included in signup/attendance totals in event overview, but not listed
 +  * SS-5395: Annual report was including Master/Overview events
 +  * SS-5395: Annual report was including badges awarded to youth by scouters in other sections, or non-youth earners
 +  * SS-5399: Updated license time bomb to accommodate renewed license
 +  * SS-5287: Email invites weren't waiting in "Account" | "Collaboration" | "Organizations", as promised in the notification email
 +===== Patch (2023-08-28) =====
 +==== Import from MyScouts ====
 +A variety of bug fixes and tweaks relating to importing rosters, most notably the ability to import CSV files.
 +  * IMPORT: SS-5437: Group-wide imports of unpopulated sections could time out
 +  * IMPORT: Suspend syncing while doing import from MyScouts, so the progress bar doesn't get dismissed
 +  * IMPORT: Better text when an import fails (e.g., due to a timeout)
 +  * IMPORT: Now support CSV format (RFC4180)
 +==== Deprecating Areas ====
 +Areas were eliminated from the Scouts Canada organizational hierarchy a few years ago, but persisted in ScoutsTracker.  The absence of Areas means that some UI changes had to be implemented to prevent creation of Area-level accounts, and to make it easier to find/select the desired Group from the now-large number of Groups within a Council.
 +  * COMMITTEE: Restrict third-party create to official Group-level accounts
 +  * COMMITTEE: Wire off creating more Council accounts.  Can be left as a support exercise if someone really needs a non-official Council account.
 +  * COMMITTEE: Clean up references to "Area" where Area accounts can't be created
 +  * Added "search for" box above the list of Groups (which can get quite large)
 +  * Sort Groups by Group name, then number.  E.g., "1st Muddy Paw, 9th Muddy Paw, 2nd Rubber Boot, 9th Rubber Boot".
 +  * ADMIN: Implement an "collapseArea" method
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Removed legacy migration code
 +  * Moved a bunch of the start up tips to auto-generated news feed posts
 +  * COMMITTEE: Tweaked welcome message wording for Committee Members
 +  * SS-5458: COMMITTEE: Group committee accounts weren't seeing Council events
 +  * Implement an "add/replace GC" method
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * SS-5419: Paddling Skills 3 number of expeditions wasn't being automatically added as related requirement for events with Paddle Expedition label
 +  * SS-5428: Parents couldn't click on Parent/Guardian Consent link in list view for events who's deadline had already passed
 +  * Scouter role tags weren't showing on most lists
 +  * SS-5456: Some instances of login where account-wide reply-to address wasn't overriding login-specific reply-to address
release_18.3.1683124790.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/05/03 14:39 by admin